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Intermediate Bandes Dessinées Set
Intermediate Bandes Dessinées Set
A cast of teenage students experiences a roller coaster ride of hilarious situations in these fun and meaningful sitcoms in “bande dessinée” format. Students will learn to replace violent responses with conflict resolution strategies, deceit with honesty, self-pity with confidence and selfishness with generosity. The zany characters in “Nous, les Jeunes” test friendships, walk a tightrope when trying to resolve conflicts, feel the heat when they don't treat each other with honesty, and learn relationship skills and problem-solving skills. The high interest/low vocabulary, attractive, full colour comic book readers are in a format students associate with reading for fun! Students and teachers love these readers! Step by step graded activities as well as audio dramatizations of the stories are sold separately. Books include activities and a French-English lexicon. Audio is available for Chien et chat and Les Durs. Set of four books $49.00
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